Bringing comfort and peace to life’s final moments

Kristin Morgan smiling kindly against a background of wildflowers

My Core Belief

I am drawn to this work because I believe death is a natural transition that deserves to be witnessed, honored, and planned for in the same way that birth is.

My approach

Facing your own death or the death of a loved one can be overwhelming and lonely. I offer a calm and compassionate presence and personalized support for your end-of-life needs and wishes. My goal is for each dying person to feel supported and loved, and for caregivers to have all the tools they need to feel comfortable caring for their dying loved one.


My role is to provide emotional, practical, and spiritual support at any point during the end-of-life process, from initial diagnosis to early bereavement.

  • Provide companionship and comfort to dying persons and their loved ones

  • Assist with advance care planning

  • Explore end-of-life wishes such as preferences for bedside vigil, living funeral, life celebration, memorial, and burial options

  • Provide education and resources to promote informed decision-making

  • Provide practical support and respite opportunities to relieve caregivers

  • And much more

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